Exposure to and Feedback From Investor Groups:

Provided by Walsh College’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) and Walsh Ventures*

Walsh Ventures and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) at Walsh College is partnering with Invest Detroit, Renaissance Ventures (UnDemo Day) and many Michigan investors to offer networking/partnering events and bootcamps for startups, culminating in a pitch to a panel of judges who are top regional tech investors. Besides being able to pitch to leading Michigan investors on Oct. 1, before UnDemo Day, you will compete for cash awards for fractional C-level support (EIRs/Senior Advisors) to add to your team, potential joint venture / customer connections (also supported by cash awards), and a better-defined business/revenue model to include in your pitch on Oct. 2 for UnDemo Day.  Workshops will include legal support and financial analysis to determine if your startup is suitable for venture capital, and why: revenue projection; TAM/SAM/SOM & exit strategy with timing, acquirers and IRR for investors.

Investor & customer exposure: Our goal is to bridge the investor-founder communication gap, helping both startup entrepreneurs and Michigan investor groups that seek investor-ready deal flow. To that end, representatives from major funds and angel groups will serve as judges on the morning of Oct. 1.

Judges connected to top investment groups: Renaissance Ventures (Christina Drake), Invest Detroit (Jeff Ponders), Venture Investors (Jim Adox), Michigan Rise/Red Cedar Ventures, Michigan Capital Network (Paul D’Amato), Spring Arbor Group (Ken Johnson), CU Ventures (Curt Gielow), Sterling Heights Velocity Accelerator / Point Angels (Michael Kaszubski, ReGroup Advisors). Winners announced at the evening networking event (5 pm) which includes MI businesses who are customers or partners for tech startups.

Bootcamps, Venues, and Schedule:

Kickoff Event: Healthcare and Biotech Company Growth via M&A, Partnering & C-Level Consulting

M&A Intro; Rapid Meetup & Partnering | Sept. 10, 2024 | 5-7pm | Venue by 4M, Ann Arbor

Networking event with A2 BioSocial from 5-6 pm, with an intro to M&A considerations and finding C-suite expertise (6-6:15), followed by speed-dating with C-suite experts or potential joint venture (JV) partners from 6:15-7 pm. M&A discussion provided by Martec (e.g. Abbott; Baxter; J&J; Salesforce) and potential C-suite partners from Walsh.

Deeper Dive Into M&A, Expanding the C-level Team & Partnering | Sept. 11, 2024 | 4-6pm | Bamboo, Ann Arbor

Networking from 4-5 pm followed by a deeper dive discussion into M&A and securing C-suite expertise for startups from 5-6 pm from Martec and Walsh. Throughout the evening, individual 1-on-1 sessions with potential JV partners and C-talent for embedded EIRs will be scheduled, from connections made on Sept 10 or 11.

Bootcamp 1: Nuts and Bolts

Sept. 18, 2024 | 5-8pm | Walsh College, Troy

Accounting & finance considerations for startups, including revenue projections suitable for investor pitches; Competitive/market analysis; Regulatory considerations; Patenting & other intellectual property. Hands on creation of Excel-based revenue projections; assess your market size – top-down and bottom-up approaches; learn if and how to file a provisional patent.

Bootcamp 2: Financing Your Startup

Sept. 24, 2024 | 5-8pm | Walsh College, Troy

VC101 – Developing a financing plan–are you scalable enough? Determine if your startup is suitable for venture investment (actual investor ROI calculations / modeling done). Business plan and investor pitch preparation & practice. Sample financing term sheets and legal documents discussed.

Bootcamp 3: Legal Considerations for Startups

Sept. 25, 2024 | 9am-12pm | Walsh College, Troy

Learn about different corporate structures, contracts, employment law and access the lawyer in residence at Walsh College (pro bono legal services for qualified businesses), Atty. Ethan Baker (Ethan is also the Mayor of Troy).

Healthcare Innovation Pitch+

Oct. 1, 2024 | 9-11am | Walsh College, Troy

Up to eight teams will pitch to a panel of investors in three tracks: Healthcare/HealthTech/DeepTech.* Teams will get exposure to prominent regional investors, funding for EIRs or joint ventures, and will also get a professionally produced video of them promoting their startup, for investors.

+ Pitches will occur from 9-11 am at Walsh College at Walsh College, while Podcast recordings will occur throughout the day by appointment in the Walsh Creator Lab studio. Teams that want to partner in joint ventures (JVs) with larger revenue-generating Michigan-based companies (e.g. customers; acquirers) will be invited to an evening networking event as well (5-8 pm) and are eligible to secure grants of $10-20K to the larger partner company that may want to purchase your company’s products/services (i.e. be your first customers!), pursue a JV with you or to pay for a fractional C-level mentor or executive to help your startup in the JV. The evening event is also being promoted in parallel to larger MI businesses that could serve as your potential JV partners, here.

* Teams that participate on Oct. 1 will be featured on a new Michigan Innovator Podcast series and be given a professionally produced video made in the Walsh Creator Lab studio.  A shorter professionally edited version will be provided for the 8 finalist teams that they can provide to investors and embed on their company website. This event is also intended to provide more investor exposure, as well as preparation and polish to teams for their UnDemo Day fast-pitch on Oct. 2; but, it is open to all participating UnDemo Day (or other) teams, even those not advancing on Oct. 2. Winning teams in Healthcare/HealthTech tracks will be awarded funds to support fractional C-level support to add to their teams, as well as funds to support joint ventures with larger Michigan businesses as strategic partners. Finally, they will be invited to pitch at the November 21st regional Healthcare Innovation Pitch (HIP) event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the new Mi2Wi bi-state track (providing exposure to more venture capitalists, from across the country). Info. on prior HIP events is here and here.

RFA for the Oct. 1 Healthcare Innovation Pitch

Why do this? Get more exposure to Michigan’s top biotech investors and a chance for up to $50,000 in cash or in-kind prizes

Also, improve the business content of your tech pitch & get free video content for investors

Exposure to and feedback from investor groups:

Provided by Walsh College’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) and Walsh Ventures*

Besides being able to pitch to leading MI investors on Oct. 1 (9 am at Walsh), before UnDemo Day, you will compete for cash awards for fractional C-level support (EIRs/Senior Advisors) to add to your team, potential joint venture (JV) / customer connections (also supported by cash awards), and a better-defined business/ revenue model to include in your investor pitch.  Workshops are offered, if desired, that include legal support and financial analysis to determine if your startup is suitable for venture, and why: revenue projection; TAM/SAM/SOM & exit strategy with timing, acquirers and IRR for investors.

Judges connected to top MI biotech investors: Renaissance Ventures (Christina Drake), Invest Detroit (Jeff Ponders), Venture Investors (Jim Adox), Red Cedar Ventures (Matt Okoneski), Michigan Capital Network (Paul D’Amato), Spring Arbor Group (Ken Johnson), CU Ventures (Curt Gielow), Sterling Heights Velocity Accelerator/Point Angels (Michael Kaszubski, ReGroup Advisors). Winners announced at evening networking event (5 pm) which includes MI businesses who are potential customers or partners for your startup, making you more attractive as an investment.

Participants must be Michigan tech startups in these verticals:

  • Healthcare (drugs; devices; diagnostics) and HealthTech (software; services)
  • DeepTech: VR, AR, AI, cybersecurity, software tools and Apps

RFA Requirements to pitch on Oct. 1: Your application to pitch on Oct. 1 should include the following in a 2-page executive summary: (a) Description of your product or service, and any associated intellectual property, (b) Description of the market size and need, (c) Money raised so far and from what sources, (d) Money being raised now and for what purpose, (e) The team, focused on why they have the required skills and credentials.

*In addition, indicate one or both of the following: (i) What customers or potential acquirors you would like to purchase your product or service; (ii) what executive or C-level skills your company is missing and would like to add with the help of funding.

Programming & Bootcamps provide preparation for subsequent regional events:

Oct. 2nd: UnDemo Day (Detroit)

Nov. 21st: Midwest Healthcare Innovation Pitch Event (Milwaukee)

Must be Michigan tech startups participating in UnDemo Day in these verticals:

  • Healthcare (drugs; devices; diagnostics) and HealthTech (software; services)
  • DeepTech: VR, AR, AI, cybersecurity, software tools and Apps

Walsh College: Walsh College was founded in 1922 by Mervyn Walsh, accountant for Thomas Edison. Walsh has been providing business support to entrepreneurs and inventors since Edison. Walsh Ventures is affiliated with Walsh College and provides support to startups via its Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE), and associated angel investor groups.